Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 10, 2016

Hello everyone!  Kim here.  You've probably noticed that I've been a little behind in updating the blog...sorry!  But it's up to date now and just to keep you all in the loop, our Mother's Day Skype Call was fantastic!  Mackenzie looked great and her Spanish was like WOW!  It looked like her and the voice sounded like her, but the words coming out were like a native Spanish speaker.  It was crazy!  She is still absolutely loving her mission and is growing and changing by leaps and bounds!  I am grateful for all she has learned so far in this last 5 months. And in case any of you are counting like I am, we are almost 1/3 of the way there!  We love you all and are so grateful for your love and support of Mackenzie!


Hey guys!! 

This week was pretty great! Let's be honest, every week in Uruguay is fantastic haha! But we had our Mother's day call, changes, miracles, and everything else in between! 

Let's start with the miracles. We found a new investigator this week! She is really awesome. We were walking home from the bus terminal and decided to go contact a reference before we went home! Well this reference gave us another reference and that is how we found Sara. Sara is an older woman and when we clapped at her door she immediately let us in! She said she had been going to an evangelical church and now she was going to listen to us!! It was really cool. Then we went back for our second lesson and she had a full blown tea party ready for us!! We weren't is really cold here and who is going to deny a precious old lady with warm cake who wants to learn about the gospel? Haha anyways that was one of my favorite miracles of the week! 

Then our skype call was so great! It was amazing to sit and talk with everyone, even if it was 20 minutes later than expected. We had some technical difficulties but that is okay! It was really fun to see all of Laynie Bug's fun tricks! Plus seeing everyone just gave me more motivation to work harder!!  

Now as for changes!! Me voy! I am going to Maroñas, Toledo! I am going to be with a Valiente ( that means this is their last change in the mission!), Hermana Davila. Yes, the time has come for me to have a latina companion. Let's face it, it was long overdue. I actually had ALOT of mixed emotions. I love Florida and all of the amazing people here. I love my companion, my district, my zone, everything! I really didn't want to leave my oro area para nada. I was really nervous at first! I didn't think my Spanish was good enough to have a latina companion yet. I had just learned all of my area and didn't feel like I was ready to learn another one! But then Proverbs 2:5 and 6 came into my mind. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. This scripture brought me so much peace of mind.  I can't rely on my own knowledge. Heavenly Father knows so much better than I what I need and what the people of Uruguay need. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of me and that I am meant to go to Maroñas with Hermana Davila now! I am excited to see what the Lord has prepared for me in my new area! I guess you could say I am a real missionary now!  

I know that we don't always get what we want in life but we just have to trust in Heavenly Father and HIS plan. I know that he hears and answers our prayers. I was actually thinking alot about prayer this week and how my prayers have changed and developed just in my mission and it made me think of Grandpa. When Grandma and Grandpa lived up the street from us we would have our Friday night sleepovers. Every night without fail Grandpa was there on his knees praying and I remember thinking..what is taking him so long!! I always had some random thought to tell him but I would always have to wait until he was done praying. Now I understand what took him so long! We can literally talk to our Heavenly Father about whatever we want! We can talk to him about what happened in our day, what we are going to do tomorrow, what we are feeling, literally anything. And the amazing part is he WANTS to hear about it. I know that we can always find answers in the Book of Mormon. I know that we have prophets on the Earth today to lead us and guide us! I love this gospel with all my heart and I am so grateful for the peace and comfort it brings to my life. I love you all and I hope you have a fantastic week! Maroñas here I come! 


Hermana Rich

Hermana Rich sporting the Hawaii shirt Kellie sent her

Hermana Rich & Familia Torena

Hermanas Rich & Paul and Familia Torena

Hermana Rich & Angelina

Hermana Rich & Juan

Hermana Rich & Familia Rodrigues

Hermana Rich & Familia Leal

Hermanas Rich & Paul and President & Sister Tabo

Hermana Rich eating her favorite milenesa!

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